Oct 21, 2018 | A Greater Purpose, Adventure, Life
Dear Luke, I can hear the wind pick up along Back Creek in Annapolis, Maryland. It’s almost time for you to go. …to be...
Oct 21, 2018 | A Greater Purpose, Adventure, Introspection, Life
Dear Luke, Did you know that your name means « Brings Light? » Perhaps our entire existence is nothing more than Maya (the veil). Perhaps it’s not so different than the elaborate story revealed at the end of the Usual Suspects where our entire life and existence...
Oct 19, 2018 | A Greater Purpose, Introspection, Life
Dear Luke, This morning, I woke up to an amazing sunrise. One filled with hope and promises yet to be realized. Then I glanced at my phone and saw that Trump is working on a new executive order that will strip citizenship away from folks born in the US of immigrant...
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